Monday, November 9, 2009

delinquent blog post....

all my sources are pretty different, but the ones I have been using all connect some way or another. Actually they all connect rather well, mainly because of my topic which I am still battling I have been writing two papers at the same time, I just cant figure out which one i want to do therefore i have been doing twice the work! shitty, but whatever hope one of my papers works....

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Topic Change

Once again, I've decided to abandon my topic due to frustration and not being able to make it academic inquiry. I feel like my topic on the KKK was going to end up being a typical research paper....and well that won't allow me to pass the class then I suppose.Right? Anyways I have decided to scrap everything I have done so far and do one of my first ideas that I never acted on. I am going to investigate America's War on Drugs, why marijuana is illegal, and what the legalization of marijuana could do for America. I know it's kind of late for a topic change, but I felt that it was necessary for my own pleasure, because frankly I was bored with my KKK topic, it wasn't very interesting at all. Oh well, new topic, I hope this works out for the better for me, because I am stressing hella hard over this paper.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Blizzzog post

What I am doing with this research essay is trying to find out the contributing factors for KKK membership and how these factors accumulate membership amongst the KKK. I feel that my controlling purpose is adequate and justifies my research in my paper, I feel that it is specific enough for my topic and is working out well so far. I feel it is helping me to answer my research question which is what are the educational, religious, and economic factors for joining/sustaining Ku Klux Klan membership. In my opinion I feel it is helping answer my question and it is specific and broad enough to do so. I don’t think it needs to be modified but I could be very wrong about that….

Monday, October 19, 2009

My Sunday Afternoon

So yesterday (Sunday) I had to go home (the fox valley; neenah/appleton/menasha area) to take care of some shit with my brother. My sister had gotten hit by her now EX-boyfriend on Saturday night. That little bitch ran after he hit her and the cops where looking for him all day. My brother, sister, parents, and I hatched a plan to lure him to my sisters house to get him arrested. Being a dumb ass that he is, he fell for the oldest trick in the book! I mean come on dude, ain't you ever seen COPS or Dog the Bounty hunter?? Regardless, my brother and I locate him at a grocery store across the street from my sisters house and my brother went in to the store to confront him while i waited outside for this little bitch to start running from us. Go figure, he takes off I'm chasing him as well as my brother....Little did he know that the cops where around the corner waiting for his stupid woman hittin' ass. Cops grabbed him and said "Hey thanks for making us not run!" Too funny, cops were nice (for a change) and they hauled my sisters now EX-boyfriend off to jail, and he is looking at 6 years in prison because he has priors. Anyways, later on my brother and I had been drinking around 11:30/midnightish, and we were talking about us in hot pursuit, too funny. I was talking about how I was STILL (jokingly) tired after chasing the ex-boyfriend which had happened 4-5 hours ago. My brother started laughing his ass off and goes you saw the James Harrison 100 yard interception to touchdown return last super bowl right? I respond yes, then he asks me you ever see the SNL skit they did? I reply no, and we watched it...If you haven't seen the return here is the link for it on YOUTUBE, and the SNL skit is posted as well and that is on HULU. Enjoy!
Heres the run:
Heres the SNL skit:

Friday, October 16, 2009

Thursday, October 8, 2009


I am researching the biological factors of addiction as my paper topic for this semester of 102. I guess I am interested in this topic because I know/knew people how have been addicted to drugs, alcohol, amongst other things. You could almost say addiction is close to me as well as I was addicted to cigarettes. I am investing my time in this research because it can give me a better understanding why these people around me are addicted. Is it their fault? Is it because of the biolgoical makeup? These are two of the questions I hope to have answered in this research paper. Well about me, I'm a 19 year old sophomore at Uw-Milwaukee, Ive got 2 brothers, 1 sister, a mother and a father. My big brother is 22, my big sister is 25, my little brother is 11 and I'm not sure of my parents ages...This research relates to me and what is at stake? Well that's easy, trying to figure out some of my big brothers addictions and why or how he is became/is addicted to certain things in his life. Overall I just want to find out if there is any biological reasons for his addictions, because I have no addictions anymore.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


As of right now I think I have decided on a topic for my research paper. I have had a lot of ideas so far as to what I would like to write on but, I think I finally found the one that will work for me. It is going to be analyzing addiction and the biological factors involved with addiction. I want to investigate addiction because to some extent everybody has an addiction. I feel that investigating addiction could help a person realize why they have an addiction, because it could be in your genetics and not be their fault they are addicted…My intended audience is, well I don’t really know yet but after gathering more research I hope I will be able to have a specific audience for my essay. This research could and should matter to those with addictions, recovering addictions, as well as to help anyone who wants to learn more about addiction out. With my work on this project I hope to figure out what are the biological factors that cause/make addiction worse. Other than that I really just want to find out more about addictions.